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Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences

Sphenoid wing meningioma

Sphenoid wing meningioma

Category(ies): Neuro-ophthalmology
Contributor: Andrew Doan, MD, PhD

Goldman Visual Field
1) Visual fields with loss OD.
T1 MRI without contrast shows subtle, large hypo-intense mass near optic chiasm and sphenoid sinus on axial cuts
2) T1 MRI without contrast shows subtle, large hypo-intense mass near optic chiasm and sphenoid sinus on axial cuts.
T1, post-contrast MRI shows enhancing lesion
3) T1, post-contrast MRI shows enhancing lesion (consistent with meningioma: dark on T1, enhances with contrast)
 T1 post-contrast coronal MRI scan showing impingement
4) T1 post-contrast coronal MRI scan showing impingement on right optic nerve and chiasm.